
AL: Action Level: When there is more than this amount of pollutant, the water utility must take more action to clean the water and remove it.

MRDL: Maximum Residental Disinfectant Level: The highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants. 

MRDLG: Maximum Residential Disinfectant Level Goal: This is the lowest amount of disinfectant chemical drinking water should have, because it is the lowest amount needed to make sure bacteria and viruses can't live.

MCL: Maximum Contaminant Level: This is the highest level allowed of a pollutant in drinking water. MCLs are set as close as possible to the goal using the best available technology.

MCLG: Maximum Contaminant Level Goal: The goal level of a pollutant in drinking water. Below this amount, there is no known or expected health effect.

NTU: Nephelometric Turbidity Units, measure of very small particulate matter in water.

ppm: parts per million, or milligrams per liter (mg/l), the equivalent of 1 cent in 10 thousand dollars or 1 drop of water in a hot tub.  Woman in Hot Tub to Describe Part Per Million

ppb: parts per billion, or micrograms per liter (ug/l), the equivalent of 1 cent in 10 million dollars or 1 drop of water in an Olympic-sized swimming pool.Man Swimming in Pool and Picture of a large Lake

ppt: parts per trillion, o nanograms per liter (nanogram/l), the equivalent of 1 cent in 100 million dollars or 1 drop of water in a 6-acre lake.

TT: Treatment Technique: A process that is required to reduce the amount of pollutant in drinking water.
Carlisle Borough Committed to Excellence in Community Service
Carlisle Borough 53 West South Street 717-249-4422 Mon-Fri: 7:30am - 4:30pm